Video content tips Video projects

5 reasons why you should stay positive about making video content during 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly tough for people across the world. It’s not just the health crisis itself, it’s the general sense of doom and gloom and uncertainty. As a marketer or business owner, you might not really feel like putting video content out there right now. Maybe you feel like nobody will care what you have to say. Perhaps you’re being extra careful with your marketing budget, which is understandable given where the economy is headed. However, when it comes to video there are so many reasons to be optimistic about the year ahead! So here are 5 reasons why you should stay positive about making video content during 2021.

1. Video is more important now

Don’t forget that consumers are still spending, we still love watching good video content, and people generally have more time on their hands. Here are some reassuring stats about the state of video content marketing in 2021:

Video remains a key priority for marketers with usage and spend both, overall, increasing slightly throughout 2020, and plans to increase again in the next 12 months.

91% of marketers feel the pandemic has made video more important for brands.

Marketers feel more positive about the return on investment offered by video than ever, as it continues to strongly influence traffic, leads, sales, and audience understanding.


2. This is the time to try out new creative ideas

So we can all agree that video is still a really valuable marketing channel. But budgets are still incredibly tight, and video costs a fortune, right?

The pandemic has impacted the video marketing landscape in contrasting ways – while video is generally seen as a more necessary tool by both marketers and consumers, many have seen budgets restricted and plans shelved.


Actually, maybe it’s not time to stop doing video, but simply to change the way we do it. Now more than ever is the best time to try out new creative ideas for videos, such as new styles of filming and editing. We should strive and thrive during these tough times in our artistic approach to making amazing video content.

If we’re on a budget, maybe there’s still a creative way to get the results we need. In the same way, if restrictions cause our filming plans to be shelved, is there an alternative approach that doesn’t require any filming? 2021 is the year for new video content creation ideas to shine.

3. Consumers are watching video content more than ever

The average person will spend 100 minutes each day watching online video in 2021.

Zenith Media

The pandemic has overwhelmingly increased the amount of online video people watch.


Write this one down, it’s a good one. As the quotes insist, consumers are watching video content MORE than ever. This is inspiring for video creators out there, we are in demand!

So let’s grab the opportunity with both hands like we did in 2020. We saw creators and marketers completely revitalise their video content production and strategies as the consumer wanted more. A great example of video content reaching the consumer would be TikTok, which exploded into popular consciousness in 2020. Consumers are craving more in 2021, so let’s give it to them.

4. Video is exploding with new trends

More than 99% of current video marketers told us they’ll continue using video in 2021, and 96% plan to increase or maintain their spend (again, up slightly from 95% last year.)


In 2020, we saw an amazing rise in creativity of video content, with new trends creating a buzz over all social media channels. As a market, video content has become more creative than ever!

You only have to look back over the last year to see how different ideas have helped push new video content out there to the audience. Examples such as user-generated content like mobile phone pictures and videos from the general public being used in advertisement. Or iconic scenes from nostalgic films being implemented into advertisements. Animation has been another massive area. Not to mention Zoom events and the various other types of live stream.

5. We have more time to learn

Here is the last key point to take away from this blog. In these unprecedented times, we have the opportunity to develop ourselves as individuals in the skills we know and the skills we don’t.

Now is a great time to try something new, get out of your comfort zone within video production.

As creatives, we all know there is always room for improvement. Video production is an art form and takes time to master. Whether making short form content on your phone or filming on location with your camera and equipment, you always want to improve on your video skills.

Thankfully the internet is here to help us out. Phew! There are thousands of online educational videos, articles, blogs, books you can look at to develop your expertise in video production. Check out this brilliant tutorial video as an example.

You can even binge watch a Netflix series and take notes of the creative approach of filming, framing, storytelling and editing. How good is that! Netflix can be your homework.

You can even set aside an hour a day to dedicate yourself to learning about cameras, editing software, lighting, audio, directing or producing, pre-production, social media video trends or many more techniques…the possibilities to learn are endless and you will thank yourself in the long run!

So, despite the adversity we’re facing at the moment, we hope these 5 quick points have helped you stay positive about your video content plans for 2021. Right now, the level of creativity all around us is astounding. Time and time again, we have pushed aside boundaries that we had always assumed were there. At times we have had to strip back, and at others we have strived forward with bold new approaches.

If you found this blog insightful, and you’re looking for a bit of unique creative spark in your video content, please get in touch with us!

By Will Wray-Lang

I’m a video producer, wedding and events videographer and junior researcher with over 7 years of experience making digital content, including working with global brands such as BBC. I have a great passion for storytelling, producing videos, writing up blogs and inspiring campaign ideas. In 2017, I started my own company producing cinematic wedding films. In my spare time, you can find me involved in some sort of sport, playing football or going to the gym. If not I'll probably be on the internet purchasing more camera equipment…I know, I need to stop.

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