
How I deal with stress on productions

Introduction The world of video production can be extremely fast-paced, where tight deadlines and unexpected challenges are the norm. Luckily, this is not the way we do things at Studio 91, and our clients tend to agree. But I wanted to write about it because it’s something I’ve dealt a lot in more than ten […]

Impact Personal

Embracing diversity from behind the lens

Intro As a black man from a working-class background navigating the Media industry, I’ve constantly come up against challenging situations, which have underscored the vital importance of having more than one diverse voice contributing to the structure of a project. While strides have been made in front of the lens, the landscape behind it remains […]

Case study Personal Video projects

‘Ode to Manny’ – a love letter to Greater Manchester

We may be divorced from the sun, but we got soul in the prenup. Ode to Manny by Jamie Swaby One of our goals for 2024 was to make more space for the stuff that doesn’t pay the bills. The voluntary work and passion projects that excite us and flex our creative muscles. The stuff […]


What I’ve learned being a female video producer

I’ve been working as a videographer for about 4 years now…I also happen to be a woman! Although I would never want my gender to define me and my job, it would be wrong to say it hasn’t had a part to play in some of my experiences over the years, both good and bad. […]


3 things I’ve learnt after a decade working in media

I’ve worked in the media industry for over 10 years now, mainly within TV. It can be a very daunting place to know how to navigate when you’re starting out, especially if you don’t know exactly what your end goal is. There are a lot of very specific job roles within the industry that all […]


My first month at Studio 91

I can’t believe I’ve been part of the Studio 91 team for a whole month. It seems like yesterday I was applying, interview prepping and nervously ringing the office doorbell. Starting a new job is a nerve wracking time for anybody but even more so when you’ve been working for yourself for 3 years and […]

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