Video content tips

3 ways to back up your footage

You have some video content, but you only have it saved in one place and oh no…that hard drive gets lost/stolen/corrupted/accidentally wiped and you lose your content. Unfortunately you’d be surprised at how many people lose video content just because they forgot or didn’t know where to back up their video content. It’s such a […]

Video content tips Video projects

How are brands using video on different social media in 2021?

There are so many outlets for video these days; YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, just to name a few. But what are brands doing differently on each of those platforms, and why? Let’s take a look at how some brands are using their social channels to really push unique original content. Patagonia on YouTube […]

Video content tips

How to achieve better framing and focus in your video content

With modern-day phone cameras, it’s really easy to achieve high-quality video and with just a few quick and easy tips, you can really start to make your content look and feel even better. It’s harder than ever to spot the difference between professional and amateur video footage these days. The difference usually lies in how […]

Video content tips

Best settings for recording through Zoom

We’ve all had to contend with dodgy Zoom video quality in some way shape or form over the last year. Whether that be through a bad internet connection, a terribly framed shot, or just some bad lighting. These are usually just inconveniencing at best, but that all changes when you need to use Zoom to […]

Video content tips Video projects

How to use slow motion to create emotion

Slow motion video has been a phenomenon for years, it’s not something new. If you go way back to the early days of film and flick through different films, documentaries, sport broadcasts etc… you will find glorious and impactful slow motion scenes. When watching a video, do you ever stop and notice the frequency and […]

Video content tips Video projects

5 reasons why you should stay positive about making video content during 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly tough for people across the world. It’s not just the health crisis itself, it’s the general sense of doom and gloom and uncertainty. As a marketer or business owner, you might not really feel like putting video content out there right now. Maybe you feel like nobody will care […]

Video content tips Video projects

How to get great music for your video content

This might be stating the obvious, but music can make or break your video! It is essential that you use good quality music in order to enhance what’s happening visually and maximise the audience’s emotional response. However, sometimes it’s hard searching the web for the safest sites to source music. Many people make the mistake […]

Video content tips Video projects

3 ways to create video content on a tight budget

In 2020, the demand for video and other digital content is huge. At the same time, however, budgets are extremely tight for many industries. Fortunately, that doesn’t necessarily have to put a stop to your content strategy. Here are three ways to create video content on a budget, courtesy of our Junior Video Producer, Will. […]

Video content tips Video projects

How to create video content for social media

You already know that social media is one of the most effective forms of marketing available. You already know that when your potential customers are scrolling through their news feeds, the thing that’s going to grab their attention – and satisfy those pesky algorithms – is video content. But on a limited marketing budget, how can you create decent social media video?

Charity Video content tips Video projects

How to devise a video content strategy for charities

We often find that charities and non-profit organisations struggle to justify spending time and money on content marketing, video included. After all, you and your supporters rightly want to maximise the amount of resource that’s going to where it’s needed most. They don’t want to see donated money wasted on half-hearted Facebook charity videos. However, […]